Call for Contribution 

We are excited to invite you to contribute to the OWC 2024, where we aim to foster a vibrant exchange of knowledge, ideas, and practices in the field of organic agriculture. The congress’s theme, “Cultivating Organic Solutions for True Sustainability,” necessitates a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of organic agriculture. This year, we have organized our contributions into four dynamic tracks:


Track 1: Organic Culture and Lifestyle 

This track examines the cultural and lifestyle aspects of the organic movement. Contributions can include explorations of organic food culture, sustainable living practices, and the social and environmental impacts of an organic lifestyle. Share your creative expressions, performances, songs, poetry, and more to celebrate the organic way of life.


Track 2: Knowledge and Practice Sharing 

This track focuses on the exchange of practical knowledge and experiences in organic farming. We welcome submissions that highlight innovative farming techniques, best practices, and research findings. Share your practical insights and success stories to inspire and educate others in the organic community.


Track 3: Growing Organic Markets, Rooted in Organic Principles 

This track explores the expansion and sustainability of organic markets. We welcome contributions that address market trends, consumer behaviour, marketing strategies, and economic analyses rooted in organic principles. Share your insights on how to enhance the growth and integrity of organic markets globally.


Track 4: Policies for Scaling Up Organics and Agroecology 

This track shares initiatives and discuss the policies that advance organic agriculture and agroecology. Submissions may include analyses of existing policies, recommendations for new policies, and case studies demonstrating successful policy implementation. Contribute your ideas on how to scale up organics through effective policy frameworks and advocacy.

Types of Contributions

We are open to a wide range of contributions, including but not limited to:

Abstracts: Summaries your research, project or theory in a concise format, focused on scientific research, including motivation, purpose, methodology, results, and discussion.

Contributions: Authored by anyone, from whatever type of organization. Submit a

novel idea, a progress report, a case study, a demonstration of innovation, an application in practice, etc

Creative Contributions: Submit performance, dance, song, poetry, or other creative works related to the conference tracks.

Types of Presentation

Oral Presentations: Share your findings or ideas through a verbal presentation at the conference. In the form of group discussions, relevant topics will be discussed with other contributors at the conference through fishbowl or roundtable discussion.

Poster Presentations: Display your work in a visual format to engage with attendees.

Template Download

To assist with your submission, we have provided instructions or templates for each type of contribution. Please download and use the appropriate template for your submission:

Abstract Template:  Download  

Contribution Template: Download

Creative Contribution Template: Download

Poster Presentation Instruction: Download

Rules and Regulations for Submission

  • Original Work: All submissions must be the original work of the author(s)

  • Ethical Standards: Submissions must adhere to ethical standards in research, including proper citations and avoidance of plagiarism.
  • Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information and content provided in their submissions.
  • Compliance: Submissions must comply with the format format and length requirements as given in the template. 
  • Revisions: Authors may be required to revise their submissions based on feedback from the review committee.
  • Presentation Requirement: Accepted submissions must be presented at the conference by at least one of the authors.
  • Copyright: Authors retain the copyright of their work but grant OWC 2024 a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use, reproduce, and distribute the submitted work in connection with the congress.
  • Publication: Accepted abstracts will be published in the OWC 2024 proceedings. Authors grant OWC 2024 the right to publish and distribute the contribution as part of the congress proceedings.
  • Unusual Circumstances: In case of force majeure events, the conference format may be changed to an online event, and registrations will be transferred accordingly without refunds.

Basic Format for Abstracts

  • Please use the appropriate template for your submission.
  • Abstracts should be one page in length and written in English.
  • Abstracts should be a single paragraph with no more than 500 words that gives a relevant overview of the title.
  • Author Information should include the author's name, designation, and e-mail address.
  • Keywords or phrases must be provided (no more than six words).
  • Please indicate between one and three of the most relevant topics for your abstract from the four tracks.
  • The abstract should be submitted in the Microsoft Word document format.
  • Authors will be asked to revise documents that do not conform to guidelines.
  • Documents received after the given deadline for any reason, will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
  • The contribution may include figures and tables as deemed pertinent.
  • The creative contribution may include figures, photos and a prerecorded video may be added as deemed pertinent.
  • Title: Times New Roman, 16 points, Upper case, Centered text in bold
  • Body: Times New Roman, 12 points; Line spacing: single spaced, one column of text

Next Steps After Submission

  • Review Process: Your submission will undergo a thorough peer-review process by our scientific committee. You may receive requests for revisions based on the feedback from reviewers.
  • Notification of Acceptance: You will receive an email notification regarding the acceptance of your submission before Mid-September, 2024. If accepted, start preparing your presentation materials. Ensure all visual aids and supplementary materials are ready for the conference.
  • Registration: Register for the conference and complete the payment process. Take advantage of the Early Bird registration rates available until August 31, 2024.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Plan your travel and accommodation in Chiayi County and City, Taiwan. Refer to the conference website for recommended hotels and travel information. 
  • Final Submission: Submit your final full paper, slides and presentation materials by the specified deadline.


Important Dates (Taiwan Time)

  • July 31, 2024
    August 14, 2024
    August 31, 2024
    September 15, 2024

    Contribution Submission Deadline

  • Mid-September, 2024

    Notification of Acceptance

  • September 1, 2024 –
    November 3, 2024

    Submission deadline for presentation files, after acceptance

  • November 30, 2024 –
    December 1, 2024


  • December 2, 2024 –
    December 4, 2024

    Organic World Congress 

  • December 5, 2024 –
    December 6, 2024

    General Assembly of IFOAM – Organics International 

Organized by

  • IFOAM – Organics International
  • Nanhua University 
